Monday 1 March 2010

Eaton's Jamaican Jerk Sauce Review

As a big fan of Jerk Chicken, I naturally stock a couple of different options in the shop. One is the Chillipepperpete Jerk seasoning, and the other is the Eaton's Jamaican Jerk Sauce. I will be reviewing the seasoning soon, but for now let us concentrate on the Eaton's.

Opening the bottle you find a strong scent of spices which I think is predominantly ginger and cinnamon and if I am to be truly honest, it does remind me of HP brown sauce.

Tasting the sauce, also has a bit of the flavour of HP, but with the fresh sweetness of the brown sugar and the spices. It is not a hot sauce and the chilli is a very subtle heat which makes this sauce ideal for family use. As a guide, this is a sauce I would gladly feed to my 90 yr old mum.

My wife and I tried this sauce on pork chops. We firstly marinated the chops in a generous coating of the sauce and then followed on an hour later by baking them in the oven. I did slightly overcook them, making the sauce a bit dry, but adding extra sauce after cooking took care of that. The flavour of the sauce after cooking was a little hotter than before, but I think that if I was going to use this to make a jerk chicken I would possibly add a little extra heat to it in the form of a little sprinkle of Habanero powder just to warm it.

£3.25 a bottle and probably enough to coat 4 chickens prior to roasting makes this pretty good value for money and still some left over as a table sauce.

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