Thursday, 1 April 2010

Naga Napalm Onion Relish

Now people could be forgiven for thinking that I am giving a lot of time to reviewing stuff from the Cambridge Chilli Farm, but when you receive a product that is extra good you have to run with it. That is so very true of the CCF's Naga Napalm Onion Relish.

Reading the ingredients, Red onion, Brown sugar, Red wine vinegar, naga Morich chillies. That is all that is in it, but that is by no means the whole story. Tim Murphy has managed to produce what could possibly be the nices hottest onion relish on the market, putting three naga pods in each jar. The smell on opening the jar is sweet and roasted onion smelling, and the relish is very thick and no surface juices, showing that all the moisture was cooked into the onion leaving bags of flavour.

I grabbed a fork and put a generous dollop in my mouth. Sweet caramel onion followed by OMG real heat. This is not a relish for the pussy wimps out there and certainly now that ten minutes has passed, I can still feel the buzz of the chilli on my lips and tongue.

Don't get me wrong, this is not in the heat league as the really hot sauces, but I cannot think of a relish that packs this much punch as well as flavour.

8 out of 10 for heat and 10 out of 10 for taste.

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